14 Feb Book of Armagh
This is a ninth century Irish manuscript which is worth seeing on any tours of Ireland.
It is the most important source for our knowledge of the life and writings of Saint Patrick , whose name you will hear on any Ireland tours.
It is the only early manuscript that can be dated in the 800s with any degree of reliability. A real hidden gem.
An inscription states that Ferdomnach wrote it at the behest of Torbach , who was abbott of Armagh in the years 807 and 808.
This small format book includes Saint Patricks own “Confessio” , a copy of the New Testament , and the life of Saint Martin of Tours.
Its illustrations , such as the Four Evangelist symbols , are drawn in monochrome brown ink with as firm a hand as the more colourful counterparts in the Book of Kells.
It is in the library of Trinity College , Dublin.
Have a look !!!!!