Author: iasltadmin

One of the three great collections of Old Irish poems , tales , histories , and genealogies of kings and saints. Housed in the Library of Trinity College , Dublin , the "Book of Leinster" was compiled or transcribed by a bishop of Kildare at the...

Natural springs, found throughout Ireland and other Celtic countries. Before Christianity, gthese springs were dedicated to female deities, representitives of the local earth mother deities. Holy wells are an example of how Christianity became superimposed on local pagan customs and beliefs of the pre-Christian Celtic...

An ancient royal site on the plains of County Roscommon in Ireland. Many prehistoric and early medieval earthen monuments (mounds and raths) were found here. According to legend , Rathcroghan was the seat of King Ailill and Queen Maeve of Connacht , whose pillow talk led to...