General News

Ireland, an island in north-west Europe, has an area of 32,595 square miles.  At its greatest it is 302 miles long and 171 miles wide and consists of a central lowland surrounded by a broken range of hills and small mountains. The climate is mild on...

A short, humorous, and often nonsensical verse of five lines that have a particular pattern of rhyme (aabba) and rhyme. Lines 1, 2, and 5 are of three feet and rhyme, and line 3 and 4 are of two feet and rhyme. The rhythm is...

One, two, or three concrete walls usually surrounding the summit of a hill. Too extensive for permanent fortification, the area enclosed may have served as temporary refuge or for annual folk gatherings. Most were erected in the last dozen pre-Christian centuries. Dotted across Ireland See them on...

A Family of brewers.  In 1756 Arthur Guinness (1725-1803) established a brewery in Leixlip, County Kildare, which he moved to Dublin in 1759. The business grew under his son Arthur (1767-1855) and grandson Benjamin (1798-1868), who developed export markets in the United States and Europe. Sir Benjamin's sons,...