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Beyond Cushendall , on the North coast of Ireland , a cliff top path leads to the tours of Layde Old Church. This is a real hidden gem on Ireland tours. The chuch is the chief burial place of  the MacDonnells , which originally dates from the...

PERFECT IRISH ADVENTURE!                                                     (Thanks to Ireland Luxury Tours and Maurice Dowle) by: Richard Schmelzle   Exactly a century ago two families, one from Belfast and the other from Hilltown, County Down, emigrated from Northern Ireland to Toronto, Canada. In the ensuing years, not one member from either family ever...

The sight worth stopping for in the village of Collooney , on any Ireland tours , is the Teeling Monument at the Northern entrance to the village, built to commemorate Bartholomew Teeling  , hero of the Battle of Carricknagat. The battle was fought nearby during the...

This testimonial is very late but heartfelt. This summer on a tour arranged by Sandra Fraser, you were kind enough to be our host. We had a wonderful day exploring and seeing sights that we could not have seen on a large tour bus. We...

Jutting into the southern reach of Strangford Lough , the Lecale Peninsula is above all St Patrick country. It is a real hidden gem. Ireland's patron saint was a Roman Briton , first carried off as a youth from somewhere near Carlisle in Northern England by...

Mellifont was , in medieval times, one of the most important monasteries in Ireland , the motherhouse of the Cistercian order and building of exceptional beauty and grandeur. The ruins you see today do no justice to this former glory, but they're still pretty impressive....

Coleraine is a town on the North coast of Ireland. Most of the interesting action takes place down the River Bann, where there are pleasant walks and a thriving marina , and at the University of Ulster campus with its excellent Riverside Theater. If you are on...

Donaghadee is a small market town whose origins lie in its proximity to the Scottish coast. In fact on a clear day its easy to see Galloway across the water if you climb up the little hill to the MOAT. The MOAT is the remains of...

Tiny Sherkin island in Cork is a real hidden gem on tours of Ireland. It is a delightfully pretty place and the considerable remains of a fifteenth century Franciscan friary nestle down by the quayside. Little Fuchsia spattered lanes lead across the island to fine sandy beaches...