Our Blog

This village is another hidden gem frequented by Ireland and Scotland Luxury Tours. Killala is a small and quiet port set amongst magnificent scenery. It also has a great history. Things to see include the harbour and the round tower (which is 84ft high). The tower is thought to...

This is a tidy little town, and definitely a hidden gem on your tours of Ireland.   It is a popular spot for anglers, and we have had clients on fishing tours who have loved it there.   Headford Castle is worth seeing and it has great grounds around...

The River Tummel ruins in and out of the narrow strip of the loch of the same name before uniting with the River Garry just south of the Pass of Killiecrankie. Until 1950 the river then continued its flow through the town of Pitlochry to...

This is a bustling town and a busy port. It began as a community around a ford which was where St Marys bridge is today.   The Vikings arrived in 911 AD and developed two settlements. There was one on each bank. These settlements were at war with each other...

This blog is really to advise potential travellers about booking trips in 2019 and 2020.   If you are just coming for a tour of either country be aware that the best located hotels book up quickly. The hotel choice is very important for comfort, authenticity, and location. There...

Stirling Castle, and the town itself, played an important role in the 13th and 14th century Wars of Independence; near here Bannockburn was fought and, seventeen years earlier, William Wallace routed the Earl of Surrey’s army at Stirling Bridge. The castle, still under military occupation,...

This wonderful castle is close to the famous “Hill of Tara”. At Ireland and Scotland Luxury Tours we often combine visits to these two hidden gems.   The castle dates from the 13th century but has been modernised. It is owned by the Plunkett family and they have lived...

This is a true hidden gem that our driver/guides like to show clients. At Ireland and Scotland Luxury Tours we know all the best spots.   It is a small pretty lough surrounded by hills on its North side. To the West is “Cairns Hill” This hill is scattered with...

When it came into the hands of the Earl of Argyll through marriage in the 15th century, this castle was known as Castle Gloom. The hill beside is still Gloomhill, and the burns which run down on either side are the Burn of Sorrow and...

At Ireland and Scotland Luxury Tours we think all of our client should see what is widely considered a true wonder of the world.   Nothing can rival the causeway for sheer weirdness and geologic phenomenon.   It was created from cooling basalt erupting through the earth’s crust 60...