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In contrast to the wildness of western Ireland, the Southeast is mostly low-lying and docile. Rich pastureland watered by brimming rivers extends gently to a quiet coastline of long sandy beaches, estuarine mudflats of wading birds and low cliffs fringing deep bays. Ireland's most fertile...

Patrick was brought to Ireland as a slave and taken to Antrim where he was sold to a local landowner, Meliuc, who put him to work as  a shepherd. For six long years Patrick lived upon Slemish mountain with only his sheep for company. The...

Every castle  of some kind, and the ghost of Ballygally has been around for the best part of 400 years! The popular theory is that the ghost is that of Lady Isobella Shaw, wife of Lord James Shaw. Lord Shaw wanted a son, and when...

The legend tells us that the Irish Giant Finn McCool had a rival - a Scottish giant named Benandonner. Fin McCool decided to build a causeway to Scotland so that he could challenge his adversary in battle. When the work was completed, the causeway stretched...

If you are on a tour of Ireland , and find yourself in Belfast on a Sunday , then here are a few things to consider...

The castle as we see it today dates largely from the 16th and 17th centuries.  It is possible that everything that survives was built by the MacDonnells, but we like to think that at least the outer walls with the two round towers date back...

Amidst the rugged landscape of this isolated island, you can let your mind wander and discover a tranquillity and beauty that is so unexpected. The ferry to Rathlin Island travels just six miles across the "Sea of Moyle". This island is six miles long, one mile...

Ireland is a hugely appealing land. Its people are world famous for their warmth, friendliness and wit, their genuine love of words and sense of fun, their music and dance, and their ability to rise above the troubles of a turbulent history. With the popular...